понедельник, 31 августа 2009 г.

PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards

PhotoPhilanthropy—a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting photography for philanthropic purposes and activism in charitable organizations – is sponsoring the first-annual PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards.

Contest entrants are invited to submit a Photo Essay consisting of 7 – 10 digital images that tell the story of a non-profit organization and its work. Winning photographers will receive prize money and recognition while featured non-profit organizations and their causes will benefit from valuable exposure.

All Photo Essays that are accepted into the competition will be posted immediately to the www.photophilanthropy.org site, and will be considered for further recognition when awards submissions close October 31, 2009.

There are three different categories for award submissions:

* Student Photographer: Any student under 25 years of age.
* Amateur Photographer: Any individual who earns less than 10% of their yearly salary from photography. You don´t have to be a pro to make a difference!
* Professional Photographer: Any individual who earns the majority of their living from photography.

Contest entries will be judged by a panel of esteemed
photographers and activists.

Images bring social causes to life in a powerful way. The PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards provide a platform for amateur and professional photographers to publish Photo Essays designed to educate and engage people in a wide variety of social campaigns.

In addition to providing exposure for the photographer and the non-profit organization, participating photographers compete for several cash prizes. Prize categories include:

* Student Photographer: $500 Grand Prize(1), $250 Excellence Prizes(2),
Honorable Mentions(4)
* Amateur Photographer: $500 Grand Prize(1), $250 Excellence Prizes(2),
Honorable Mentions(4)
* Professional Photographer: $5,000 Grand Prize(1), $2,500 Excellence Prizes(2),
Honorable Mentions(4)

Award submissions will be accepted from May 1, 2009 until October 31, 2009.
Award winners will be announced on December 15, 2009.

Contest submission guidelines and additional information about PhotoPhilanthropy are available on the PhotoPhilanthropy website.


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