Только сегодня просмотрел видеоролик, подготовленный российскими коллегами, продвигающие идею социального предпринимательства в России. Нам бы тоже делать подобные ролики и развивать социальное предпринимательство в Кыргызстане.
воскресенье, 21 июня 2009 г.
четверг, 18 июня 2009 г.
Humanizing Development: Global Photography campaign
This Global Photography Campaign aims to show examples of people winning the battle against poverty, social exclusion and marginalization. It is intended to raise awareness of the successes in the development process. The campaign is intended to counterbalance the frequently shown images of desolation and despair. A photo gallery will to be permanently located at IPC-IG office and open for public visitation. A series of photo exhibitions will also be organized in several cities around the world.
How can I participate?
Everyone can contribute with a photograph: professional and non-professional photographers, students, civil society activists, government officials, UN staff members and so forth.
If your photo is chosen you will be contacted no later than 30 October 2009 by the IPC-IG. As a reward, your contribution to this campaign and your effort in supporting its goals will be acknowledged by a wide dissemination of your work through a range of UN communications tools:
* The selected photographs and the respective contributors' names will be highlighted in various UN communications channels, such as IPC-IG and UN media campaigns, releases, websites and so forth.
* The selected photograph will be part of UNDP and IPC-IG photo databases and will be shared with the United Nations Department of Public Information in New York, promoting global visibility to contributors, their work and participation in the global campaign.
* Contributors will receive a certificate jointly issued by the UNDP International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth and the campaign partners.
* Contributors will have their names displayed at the IPC-IG photo gallery on "Humanizing Development", which will be launched at a public event on November 2009.
* Photo exhibitions are to be organised in order to highlight the photographs and the contributors and to promote the campaign goals. Exhibitions are planned to be held in New York, Brasilia, São Paulo, and other cities in the South.
The campaign will be open for participation from 1 June to 1 October 2009. Photographs need via the online application:
How can I participate?
Everyone can contribute with a photograph: professional and non-professional photographers, students, civil society activists, government officials, UN staff members and so forth.
If your photo is chosen you will be contacted no later than 30 October 2009 by the IPC-IG. As a reward, your contribution to this campaign and your effort in supporting its goals will be acknowledged by a wide dissemination of your work through a range of UN communications tools:
* The selected photographs and the respective contributors' names will be highlighted in various UN communications channels, such as IPC-IG and UN media campaigns, releases, websites and so forth.
* The selected photograph will be part of UNDP and IPC-IG photo databases and will be shared with the United Nations Department of Public Information in New York, promoting global visibility to contributors, their work and participation in the global campaign.
* Contributors will receive a certificate jointly issued by the UNDP International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth and the campaign partners.
* Contributors will have their names displayed at the IPC-IG photo gallery on "Humanizing Development", which will be launched at a public event on November 2009.
* Photo exhibitions are to be organised in order to highlight the photographs and the contributors and to promote the campaign goals. Exhibitions are planned to be held in New York, Brasilia, São Paulo, and other cities in the South.
The campaign will be open for participation from 1 June to 1 October 2009. Photographs need via the online application:
суббота, 6 июня 2009 г.
Кумысолечение в Нарыне
Давно думал уехать на неделю или две куда нибудь на джайлоо и устроить себе кумысолечение, но все еще не решил куда и когда. Сегодня прочитал инфо-сообщение от Фонда Ага-Хана, что они провели обучение по кумысолечению в Нарыне и наверное нужно узнать об этом, и может и туда свалить на пару недель - если получится. Кстати, к тому же это выглядит как социальное предпринимательство - с одной стороны бизнес, с другой стороны укрепление здоровья - социальная миссия.
Ниже инфо:
25 мая в г. Нарын прошло обучение по вопросам приготовления и оздоровления кумысом (ферментированного кобыльего молока). В число рассмотренных тем входили основы питания в высокогорных районах и личной гигиены работников, ознакомление с составом, свойствами и лечебными характеристиками кумыса; вопросы употребления кумыса, в т.ч. в требуемые норм и комплексная диета во время оздоровления и аспекты прохождения акклиматизации туристов на жайлоо. Один из преподавателей – представитель общества Международного красного креста и полумесяца, ознакомил участников с требованиями к личной гигиене и состоянию здоровья.
За дополнительной информацией об экотуризме в г.Нарыне и контактных данных юрточных лагерей обращайтесь, пожалуйста, по электропочте: taalaibek.karpekov@ucentralasia.org; или gulnara.djunushalieva@ucentralasia.org.
Ниже инфо:
25 мая в г. Нарын прошло обучение по вопросам приготовления и оздоровления кумысом (ферментированного кобыльего молока). В число рассмотренных тем входили основы питания в высокогорных районах и личной гигиены работников, ознакомление с составом, свойствами и лечебными характеристиками кумыса; вопросы употребления кумыса, в т.ч. в требуемые норм и комплексная диета во время оздоровления и аспекты прохождения акклиматизации туристов на жайлоо. Один из преподавателей – представитель общества Международного красного креста и полумесяца, ознакомил участников с требованиями к личной гигиене и состоянию здоровья.
За дополнительной информацией об экотуризме в г.Нарыне и контактных данных юрточных лагерей обращайтесь, пожалуйста, по электропочте: taalaibek.karpekov@ucentralasia.org; или gulnara.djunushalieva@ucentralasia.org.
Adobe Youth Voices International Photo Competition (Deadline: July 31)
When written in Chinese or Japanese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters--one represents crisis or danger, and the other represents hope or opportunity. We have taken this as inspiration for our first-ever international photo competition. "Crisis and Hope" offers an exciting opportunity for youth around the world to express themselves and make their voices heard-on both what is challenging and what gives hope in today's difficult world. Winning photographs will be showcased online, in a traveling exhibit, and in a book.
The call for photos is part of Adobe Youth Voices, a global youth media initiative, in collaboration with WKCD (What Kids Can Do). This contest is open to all young people-anywhere in the world-between the ages of 12 and 19. Learn more at:
Source: http://www.internationalpeaceandconflict.org/profile/czelizer
The call for photos is part of Adobe Youth Voices, a global youth media initiative, in collaboration with WKCD (What Kids Can Do). This contest is open to all young people-anywhere in the world-between the ages of 12 and 19. Learn more at:
Source: http://www.internationalpeaceandconflict.org/profile/czelizer
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